(RE)Connect With your


Tarot doesn’t give you answers — it helps you find them

Through its imagery, tarot has a remarkable way of bringing the answers you already carry within you to the surface. Suddenly, that quiet voice you’ve been ignoring—or perhaps hadn’t even noticed—becomes loud and clear.

My role? To guide you in (re)connecting with your intuition in a new way and empower you to move forward with confidence.

GUIDANCE, discovery, Self-exploration

Seeking clarity on a situation ? Feeling at a crossroads ? Struggling to reconnect with your sense of purpose ? A tarot reading can be a powerful tool to help you navigate doubts, uncover hidden truths, and gain the insight you need to move forward with confidence.

Whether you're facing a specific challenge or simply feeling out of sync, a reading offers a moment of reflection and connection to your inner wisdom ✨

Matt - 3 Card Reading

“The reading helped reinforce things I was already feeling. It Addressed my question head-on and gave me multiple new angles to consider it from.”

Therissa - 5 card reading

“The reading resonated deeply with me. The insights were not only spot-on but also incredibly enlightening. I left the session feeling empowered and hopeful about my path ahead.”

Natalie - aka Queen of Arcana - 4 Card Reading

“The reading was remarkably accurate, thought-provoking, and insightful. It made me realize that I had been looking in the wrong places for answers and so has given me invaluable direction.”
